Why Link Building is Important to SEO

Link building is the process of building hyperlinks (or “backlinks”) to a website to improve search engine performance. High-quality sites will naturally attract links over time. However, you may actively wish to solicit links from relevant sites to build a site’s authority more quickly. Why is link-building important Backlinks are the most important factor used […]

Advice for Retails Startups

I had a great meeting with a retail start-up the other day.  Made me think of the advice I would give myself when I was starting out.  Here goes: Margins: Focus on high margins products as low margins make everything difficult. You can’t hire enough people; you can’t spend enough on promotion.  It tends to […]

On Page vs Off Page vs Technical SEO Tutorial

Most SEO tactics fall into three categories: On-page SEO Off-page SEO Technical SEO All three are vital to your SEO performance, however, they are very different. On-page SEO On-Page SEO refers to actions taken on your website to help search engines to better rank and understand your content. These include optimisation of your site’s content, […]

Google Search Domain Brand and WebSpam SEO Ranking Factors

Domain, Brand and Spam Ranking factors This document is a summary of the complete list of ranking factors related to domains, brands and Spam, which can be found here: https://backlinko.com/google-ranking-factors Note that Google does not publish a list of ranking factors, so industry authorities have reverse-engineered these factors based on experiments and observations. Domain Factors […]

How Google’s Search Engine Works: Crawling and Indexing

Search Engines perform a marvellous feat. Based on a text query, they produce a list of (usually) relevant results from the billions of pages on the World Wide Web. Moreover, they do this at lightning speed, with search results appearing as you type. To generate results, search engines employ three processes: Crawling: Search the Internet […]

Introduction to Google Display Ads

Display Ads – Introduction Display campaigns show visual ads on the Google Display Network. The Display Network enable advertisers to reach people on millions of websites, apps and Google-owned properties such as YouTube and Gmail. Benefits of Display Ads Expand beyond Google Search. Display campaigns reach people on 35 million websites and apps worldwide including […]

Creating Google Performanc Max Ad Campaigns

Performance Max Performance Max is a goal-based ad format that allows advertisers to access all Google Ads campaign types from a single campaign. It is a highly automated advertising programme that uses machine learning to optimise your ads and bidding in real-time. This makes this campaign type quick and easy to set up and to […]

How to use Google Ads Editor

Google Ads Editor is a free, downloadable application that lets you work offline and make bulk changes quickly and easily. The application is downloaded from the Google Ads site: https://ads.google.com/intl/en/adseditor/thankyou/ Benefits of Google Ads editor The Google Ads editor has multiple time saving features. Make changes offline Make multiple changes at once Edit multiple accounts […]

Google Search Ads Keyword Research

Keyword Research Creating Google Search Ads campaigns requires specifying lists of keywords which will trigger ads. Advertisers must research keywords and organise these into campaigns and ad groups based on themes to create successful campaigns. Write down business categories and/or products Brainstorm keywords Generate keywords using Google Keyword Planner and other tools Organise keywords into […]