Optimising Google Ads Display Campaigns

Identify your goals

When creating a Google Ads campaign, you will see suggested settings and bidding strategies. Deciding your goals in advance will help you to plan and implement your display campaigns better. The goal will influence the audience segments you target, your budget, your bidding strategy, your creative and the metrics you track.

**To allow you to measure your progress, setting up conversion tracking is important. **

Use Smart bidding

Automated bidding is a great timesaver and, from experience, generates excellent results. Display campaigns support automated bidding strategies (e.g. Enhanced CPC or Maximise clicks) that monitor auction behaviour on Google Ads and automatically adjust your bids to get the best performance. Display campaigns also support Smart Bidding strategies (e.g. Maximise conversions and target ROAS) that use conversion and conversion value data to bid in line with your performance goals.

**Ensure you set your daily budget high enough to ensure you do not run out **

Add Targeting Signals

Adding audience signals such as audience segments or keywords will help Google find the right customer for your ads more quickly. Optimised targeting uses audience signals to help understand your audience. If, over time, optimised targeting finds better-performing traffic elsewhere, it may reduce or stop serving traffic on your signals.

Use optimised targeting

By selecting optimised targeting, Google will find new and relevant customers likely to convert based on your campaign goals. Optimised targeting uses Google’s machine learning to look beyond any manually selected audience segments in your campaign and then find audience segments that you may have missed so that you can improve campaign performance.

Create High Performing ads


Your images are the most important part of your ad. They help people understand your business, product and brand. Use only high-quality images where your business, product or brand is the main focus. Avoid using the following:

  • Poor quality images
  • Images with borders
  • Collage images
  • Images with digital composite backgrounds
  • Text on top of your images. This is hard to read at smaller sizes.


Logos are optional. However, if you do not upload a logo, Google will use a neutral icon, such as a globe or the first letter of your brand. Things to consider when you add logos:

  • You may upload a logo with a 1:1 or 4:1 aspect ratio (it is best to add both).
  • Logo should be centered and cropped carefully
  • Avoid adding text as this is hard to read at small sizes
  • White backgrounds are acceptable, but it is best to use a transparent background.
  • White space should not exceed 1/16th the size of the logo.


You can create up to five descriptions of up to ninety characters each. The description usually goes with a headline and should complement your headlines. Use the description to supply more information which articulates your value proposition.


You can upload up to five different headlines of thirty characters each. Make sure your headlines each say something different. Be informative and outline your value proposition.

Best practices:

  • Punctuation at the end of your headline is unnecessary
  • Do not duplicate the text from your description
  • Do not use your business name in the headline

Long headline

In your long headline, you have up to 90 characters to outline your value proposition. Your long headline may be served without the extra description text, depending on where your ad is served. Make sure that each long headline can be understood on its own and says something different.

Add a feed for dynamic remarketing

Linking your campaign to a feed normally results in a greater user experience. The quality of your product information can help determine to whom your ads are served and provide comprehensive, high-quality feed results in these ads.

Create responsive display ads

Responsive display ads can take much of the work out of tailoring creative for your audience segments. With responsive display ads, you can upload your assets (images, headlines, logos, videos and descriptions), and Google will automatically generate ad combinations for websites, apps, YouTube and Gmail.



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