Amazon Performance Metrics – Feedback, A-Z Claims & Order Defect Rate

Amazon is serious about its performance metrics and getting on the wrong side of them can get an account suspended or even permanently closed. Merchant Feedback Once an order has been placed, a buyer can leave feedback for the seller.  This is distinct from reviewing the product.  A score of 1 or 2 is counted […]

Managing Orders on Amazon

Manage order Screen Amazon orders can be managed from the managed order screen in the main.  If you are selling from a unified EU or NA account orders from all linked accounts will be shown. Delivery promise When purchasing an order from Amazon, a promise will made to the customer regarding delivery.  If delivery is […]

Understanding Amazon Pricing

Importance of the buy box The 83% of sales come from seller who hold the buy box.  The Buy Box rotates between sellers (including Amazon) who have Buy Box Eligibility and are competitively priced. Although pricing is a major factor, having the lowest price does not guarantee the Buy Box. The Buy Box price is not always […]

Creating product listings on Amazon by matching by EAN or ASIN

The easiest way to create inventory on Amazon is to match against items which already exist in the Amazon catalogue. This post looks at how to do this product by product and in bulk. Catalogue matching – individually If you have only a small number of products to create (less than 10) you can create […]

How Amazon compiles product data from multiple sellers

Amazon is a catalogue system. This means that each item (as defined by a unique barcode) will be represented by a single product details page. For example: Jaques the Peacock with EAN 0796714270135 has the Amazon ASIN B000I2MRLK. Most branded product listing on Amazon will have more than one seller, each of which can submit […]

Pros and Cons of Amazon FBA

Amazon FBA programme is a great way to reach prime customer in the UK and beyond. It is cheap to use with no long-term contracts and international in scope. However, there are some quirks of the system which sometimes make it a challenge to manage. Pros PAYG fulfilment house with benefits Unlike most fulfilment houses, […]

eBay Listing Best Practice

We are frequently asked about best practise for eBay listings and so we thought we should collect together all the best sources for eBay optimi-sation advice. eBay Gold Standard Listings eBay have produced the following guide for creating ‘Gold Standard Listings’. All reasonably entry level stuff but relevant nevertheless. ListSmart List Smart is a recently launched tool which […]

Livestreaming & live Commerce with Nicholas Bailliache from eStreamly

Fascinating chat on the eCommerce Odyssey Podcast with Nicholas Bailliache from eStreamly, a provider in the nascent space of Live stream shopping. Live streaming is HUGE in China (20% of online sales) and so undoubtedly it is going to be big in the west before long too. Nicholas has some great insights into how to […]

Using charitable giving to boost your eCommerce sales with Andrew Forman from Givz

Fascinating interview on the Ecommerce Odyssey Podcast with Andrew Forman, the founder of Givz. Givz enables any Shopify merchant to set up their own Amazon Smile style charitable donation service. Instead of opting for a discount, customer can donate their discount to a charity of their choice. I was unconvinced to begin with but in […]

How to Launch an Amazon Business

Interested in starting an Amazon Business?  This post summarises the stages required to set up an Amazon business, with links for more information. Stage 1: Account opening While opening an Amazon account is not difficult, it can take a few days, getting started early is best. In addition, Amazon can reject a submission, so be […]