Local SEO – Google Business & Keyword Research

Local SEO optimises your online presence to increase local traffic, visibility, and brand awareness. Any business with a physical location or that serves a geographic area can benefit from local SEO. Local SEO is a large part of online search and a big business opportunity. 46% of searches on Google have local intent, and over […]

Keyword Research for Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

Keyword research involves finding and analysing keywords your ideal website visitors enter into search engines. It enables you to target the most effective keywords when creating content. The goal of keyword research is to: Benefits of keyword research Improved targeting Effective keyword research can provide insights into current search trends and help you create content […]

Monitoring Keyword Ranking using Google Search Console

What is keyword ranking? Your ranking for a keyword is an unpaid position in search engine results when that keyword is searched on Google or another search engine. Establishing your keyword ranking will allow you to understand your SEO performance and where your site needs more work. For example, in the example below, the site […]

Introduction to On Page SEO

On-page SEO (a.k.a “on-site SEO”) is the process of optimising web pages so that users and search engines can better understand your content. The goal is to create content that appears high up on the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) for search terms relevant to your business. Having your site highly placed in relevant search […]

How to use Google Search Console

Google Search Console Google Search Console (GSC) is a free tool that allows you to monitor your site’s search performance and technical SEO health. It reports on various metrics, from search appearance to user experience. These metrics help measure your site’s SEO performance. Acting on these metrics will help you to improve your site and […]

Options for selling on Amazon EU for UK Sellers

FBA fulfilment prices Amazon FBA items will have the same size banding across the EU. The rate card can be found here. Finding FBA fees for EU countries. There are two methods for doing this: 1.      Use the FBA calculator https://sellercentral.amazon.co.uk/hz/fba/profitabilitycalculator/index?lang=en_GB Using the ASIN. The ASIN is in the URL: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Doulton-UltraCarb%C2%AE-Limescale-Reduction-Compatible/dp/B07TBP3TJS?th=1 2.      Using the Rate […]

Technical SEO: Site Configuration

Technical SEO refers to the behind-the-scenes set-up of your website, which can improve (or at least not hinder) your SEO performance.  This document discusses technical SEO factors related to your site’s configuration. Use HTTPS HTTPS is a secure version of HTTP. It helps protect sensitive user information like passwords and credit card details. Implementing HTTPS […]

Technical SEO: Maximising Index Inclusion

Maximising Index Inclusion Getting your site crawled and indexed is fundamental to showing up on the Search Engine Results Pages. As a website owner you want to ensure that as many of your pages are indexed as possible. Crawling issues Frequently a search engine will be able to access parts of your site by crawling, […]

Link-building strategies: Broken Links, Email outreach, Guest Posting & more

You should encourage sites to link to your content to build authority. Strategies can be passive (i.e. creating content which attracts links) or active (i.e. actively approaching sites for links. Whatever your plan, your site’s content must be high quality to make it worth linking to. High-quality content High-quality sites that are helpful to users […]

Understanding Off-Page SEO: Link Building, Brand Mentions, E-A-T and Social Media

Off-page SEO includes tasks done off a website to boost the site’s search engine rankings. Off-page SEO activities include link building, encouraging branded searches, and increasing engagement on social media. Off-page SEO aims to get users and search engines to see your site as more trustworthy and authoritative. It is one of the corner stones […]