How to use Amazon Category Specific Product Upload files

Once a category specific file has been downloaded, then it is time to complete the data before uploading. 

The file is separated into a number of different sections. Which I will go through form left to right below. The required fields are at the left of the sheet with the optional fields to the left of this.  Note that only filling in the required fields will leave a very thin listing, seller should fill in as much detail as possible

Valid Values

Many of the fields in the upload template must be chosen from a list of options.  These options are given in the Valid Values tab in the upload template.

Required fields section

There are a number of required fields on the file, these are:

  • Feed file type.  Determines the attributes for the product.  Based on category selection
  • Item SKU.  Your stock number for the product
  • External product ID.  The barcode for the product e.g. UPC, EAN, ASIN (Use if the product exists on another Amazon site already)
  • Item name. Product title
  • Manufacturer
  • Brand name
  • Browse node.  Category for the product in the form of a numerical code.  Can be obtained from the download inventory file page or a Browe node tree guide can be obtained from the Amazon website
  • Quantity.  Must be zero for FBA items.
  • Main image URL.  Each product must have at least 1 image

Details on the required and optional fields is given in the Data Definitions tab.

Images section

There is a tab on the inventory template which give required image specification for new Amazon products. 

Images included in the image file must be available from a downloadable location and the full URL must be used. 


Wrong: yQTzcVj.jpeg or

If you are looking or a free website hosting company for your product then is one option.

When creating listings use multiple images to improve conversion rate and give more information buyers.

Variation section

This section is only used if variations are being created.  Details on variation listing creation is given here.

Basic and Discover sections

Despite being optional this section contains vital information about a product such as description, bullet points and part number which should be completed for every listing.

Fulfilment section

These fields are required for FBA items.  To create FBA items the dimensions must be completed and the Fulfilment centre must be set to Amazon_EU (for the EU).

Compliance section

Fill these fields out for items being sent into FBA for Hazmat clearance.  Most important is the battery and Hazmat information.

Offer section

Details on the offer the seller is creating including

  • Merchant shipping template.  This sets the shipping rates for the product is using FBM. 
  • Condition
  • Tax Code.  Set from a set of valid tax codes available on the Amazon site

If you are uploading to multiple EU countries then the prices must be set for each country in the Offer (UK, FR, IT, ES, FR, NL) section.  EU prices in Euros.

B2B section

For setting discounted prices for business customers.  Can we set as percentage discount or a fixed price.

Upload files

Once the file is completed it can be uploaded as and Excel workbook in inventory > add products via upload > upload an inventory file.

The status can be seen under the Monitor upload status tab.  Once the file has been uploaded there will be a process report to download. Incomplete product can be viewed in catalogue > drafts.



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