How to Use Google Insights & Reporting

Insights and Reports


The Insights page helps you find trends in your market and understand your performance. Insights for your business are based on your account’s performance and searches across Google for the products and services for which you wish to show ads. They are update daily.

Benefits include:

  • Insights tailored to your business. The Insights page looks for trends relevant to the products and services you advertise across Google.
  • Understand your performance. Drill down into each insight to get detailed information about your account’s performance and potential opportunities.
  • Act on recommendations. Recommendations are integrated with insights, making it easy to take action.

Types of insight

  • Diagnostic insights. Identify reasons why your campaign may not be showing or getting conversions. For example, when ads are not serving due to paused ad groups, account suspensions, or low Ad Strength.
  • Search trends. Understand the search demand for products and services related to your business.
  • Demand forecasts. This helps you understand the predicted upcoming searches relevant to your business, allowing you to prepare to capture additional demand.
  • Search term insights. Understand how your target market searches for and engages with your business on Google. It groups together the search terms your site has appeared for in the last 28 days into categories and subcategories, with key performance metrics for each.
  • Audience insights. The characteristics the audience segments that make up your conversions. These insights help you understand your customers to help you improve targeting, creatives and campaign performance.
  • Change history insights. Recent changes that you made that affected your campaign performance.
  • Auction insights. Understand if there were shifts in ad auction competition and when these shifts impacted performance. Compare your performance with other advertisers taking part in the same auctions to make informed decisions about bidding and budgeting.
  • Performance shifts. See when there are significant changes in performance for entities within your campaign, such as ad groups, asset groups, product groups, keywords and videos. The specific entities shown depend on the campaign type. You can use these insights to help you understand what drove changes in your campaign performance.

Search terms

The search terms report is a list of the search terms that people have used, when your ad was served.  The Match type column shows how closely the search terms that triggered your ads on Google are related to the actual keywords in your account. By checking the match types that work you can refine match types so that only the right searches trigger your ad to appear. The “Keyword” column tells you which keywords matched someone’s search term and triggered your ad.

Auction insights

The Auction Insights report compares your performance to other advertisers who are taking part in the same auctions. This allows you to make decisions about bidding and budgeting. The auction insights report is available for Search, Shopping and Performance Max campaigns.

Metrics include:

  • Impression share. The number of impressions you have received divided by the number of impressions you were eligible to receive.
  • Overlap rate. The frequency with which another advertiser’s ad received an impression at the same time as yours.
  • Outranking share. How often your ad was ranked higher in the auction than another advertiser’s ad.
  • Position above rate (Search campaigns only). How often the other advertiser’s ad was shown in a higher position than yours when both of your ads were shown simultaneously.
  • Top of page rate (Search campaigns only). How frequently your ad was shown above the unpaid search results at the top of the page.
  • Absolute top-of-page rate (Search campaigns only). How often your ad was shown as the first ad above the natural search results.

Landing pages

The Landing pages report gives you a performance breakdown for the pages you send traffic to from your ads. This page reports all landing page URLs from Search, Display, Video and Shopping campaigns. For Search campaigns, the ‘Landing pages’ report shows sitelink URLs and headline URLs.

The Landing pages page gives the following information:

  • Expanded landing pages associated with each of your landing pages.
  • Page experience on mobile devices


Template reports

Google Ads comes with a set of predefined reports designed to answer specific questions about your data. You can also a use template reports as a starting point for bespoke report.

Predefined report categories include:

  • Performance summary
  • Goals and conversions
  • When and where ads showed
  • Competitive visibility
  • Ads and assets
  • Billing

Creating a report

If you want to fully customise the data that appears in a report, you can create it from scratch. To create a report, use the Report Editor tool to choose the columns, rows and values to be displayed in the report and in which type of table or chart they are presented.

Scheduled reports by email

You can send a one-off email of a report or schedule a report to be emailed to you and other people with access to your account at specific intervals.

Report types

Your Google Ads data can be presented in several different formats. These include:

  • Table
  • Tree table
  • Line chart
  • Column chart
  • Bar chart
  • Pie chart
  • Scatter chart



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