Managing Orders on Shopify

Orders are managed from the Order option in the LHS menu.  This has three sections

  • Orders.  Paid orders which are ready to fulfil
  • Drafts.  Unpaid orders
  • Abandoned carts. Orders where the customer has added items to a cart and added their email address during the checkout process, but has not paid.

Abandoned carts

If a customer has added items to their cart but has not paid, they can send them a cart reminder email.  Cart reminder emails are one of the most successful forms of email marketing and will have a high conversion rate. 

To send a cart reminder email, open the abandoned cart customer and click Send a cart recover email.  The email sent is based on a template set in Settings > notifications.  It will include a snapshot of the abandoned basket, and a custom note can be added.

Order screen

The order screen shows all orders which are paid, archived or open.  At the top of the screen are some stats about the orders in the current selection.

There are many searches available to organise your orders.  These include:

  • Fulfilment status.  Fulfilled or unfufilled
  • Payment status.  Paid or unpaid
  • Risk level.  Calculated Credit card risk for high, medium or low
  • Tags. These can be used to organise orders, e.g. tag an issue order with ‘Investigate’.

Frequently used views can be saved and will appear at the top of the order list. A example useful view to save might be Read to ship orders e.g.:

  • Paid
  • Unfulfilled
  • Low Risk

By saving a view with these attributes, you can easily select orders which can be processed immediately.

Creating orders

Orders from connected sales channels will automatically appear in the open order list.  Alternatively, orders can be created manually by clicking on the create order button.

When creating an order manually,  a credit card payment can be taken over the phone using Shopify payments, or the order can be marked as paid outside Shopify.

Fulfilling orders

Orders can be fulfilled either in bulk or individually.  There are two fulfilment options

  • Mark as fulfilled.  Mark the item as sent and enter details of the courier you are using separately
  • Buy labels.  Print labels from directly within Shopify.  This will record the tracking number automatically


Orders paid through Shopify payment will have a Risk score calculated.  This will be Shopify’s analysis of the fraud risk of the order, calculated by looking at a number of factors.  Factors will include:

  • Address number match
  • CV2 match
  • Number of recent orders from the delivery address
  • IP address used

And many others.  From experience, these fraud scores are not perfect and there are fault positive and false negatives.  Investigate medium and high-risk orders carefully.



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