What is an Amazon Repricing and how to use it? With BQool

In our second online seminar with BQool we look at repricing best practise. Repricing is the practise of dynamically changing prices to order to maximise Buy Box percentage. Sellers can alter prices manually but unless you have a very small number of product it is best to automate the process.

There are a lot of variables to set, and it is it can be difficult to know where to start. In this video we discuss the important of repricing, repricing practise and BQools ‘cool’ AI repricing which improves performance whilst taking the pain out of repricing.


  • Why is repricing important
  • Is repricing just a race to the bottom
  • What are the most important factors to consider when repricing?
  • How important is price? Is being 0.01 cheaper enough?
  • Who should a merchant reprice against?
  • Should repricing consider a merchants feedback and fulfilment method?
  • Should shipping be taken into consideration I.e. Should the landed price be used?
  • What best practice does BQool recommend?

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