Using AI to improve customer retention with Shanif Dhanani from Apteo

Using AI to improve customer retention with Shanif Dhanani from Apteo Apteo is a platform which uses AI to automate and personalise marketing campaigns.  We talked to Shanif Dhanani from Apteo to get their tips on how to increase your customer retention and how AI can help. 5 Top things which eCommerce stores should be […]

How to Automate your Shopify Store with Kaus Manjita from

In this week’s podcast, Trevor talked to Kaus from Mason, a Shopify app for automating eCommerce storefronts. We talked about the benefits of automating storefronts and Benefits of automating a Shopify store? Competition is fierce and it is hard to stand out and grow online. By automating processes on your online store, you can save […]

Increasing Cross Border Sales with Andy Hooper from Global eCommerce Experts

International Ecommerce Opportunity In this week’s episode of the eCommerce Odyssey Podcast, Trevor talked to Andy Hooper from Global eCommerce Experts about all things Cross Border Trade. The Cross border Opportunity is as big as ever Brexit and the general economic condition have made international trade more difficult.  However, merchants should not give up on […]

How to use Shipping Updates to Increase Repeat Purchases on Shopify

In this week’s eCommerce Odyssey Podcast I talked to Kiril Kirilov cofounder of about how they improve delivery communication on Shopify. Rush is an app that is deeply integrated with over 400 couriers with the aim of closing the loop between ordering and delivery. Not only do they help improve customer service, but they […]

Shopify Usability with Adam Pearce from Blend Commerce

Adam Pearce works for the leading Shopify usability agency Blendcommerce.  Having just launched our own Shopify storefront, in this week’s eCommerce odyssey Podcast, Trevor took the opportunity to pick Adam’s brains on maximising the conversion rate of Shopify storefronts. Some key take aways are below: Put all relevant information on product pages Given that most […]

How to optimise your eCommerce Pricing with Burc Tanir from Prisync

In this edition of the eCommerce Odyssey Podcast, we discuss dynamic pricing with Burc Tanir from Prisync. Prisync is a competitive price monitoring and repricing tool which enables customers to increase sales and profit by altering pricing in real-time based on market conditions. Key takes aways: Automate your Pricing Tracking price manually is very time […]

Understanding Amazon FBA Fees

There are several different fees to consider when sending FBA stock: Fulfilment fees.  A fulfilment fee is changed on each order based on the item size Storage fees.  A monthly storage fee is charged based on the actual storage used Optional fees.  These are fees for optional extras such as labelling, Fulfilment fees FBA fulfilment […]

Creating Amazon FBA listings (or convert FBM to FBA)

There are several options for creating FBA items. This post looks at how to convert FBM to FBA and also how to create new products as FBA listings. Converting items form FBM to FBA – Manually FBM items can be converted to FBA listings one at a time via the Manage inventory screen. The process […]

Understanding FBA Settings

Before sending up your FBA inventory for the the first time there are a number of setting which must be specified in Settings > Fulfilment by Amazon. Cross border fulfilment settings.  Pan European FBA is a programme where listings can be delivered across Europe at the delivery rate of the ordering country.  To qualify a […]