Shopify Usability with Adam Pearce from Blend Commerce

Adam Pearce works for the leading Shopify usability agency Blendcommerce.  Having just launched our own Shopify storefront, in this week’s eCommerce odyssey Podcast, Trevor took the opportunity to pick Adam’s brains on maximising the conversion rate of Shopify storefronts. Some key take aways are below:

Put all relevant information on product pages

Given that most people won’t read information pages (e.g. delivery, returns etc), all the relevant information should be on the product page.  Adam recommends reiterating the message under the buy button.

Blendcommerce client sites that do this well are the Aquarium Coop and Goat Milk Stuff.

  • Summary bullets (our previous UX person recommended these)
  • Messaging about button
  • Learn more about this product – link to blog posts
  • Loads of customer reviews

On Website page speed

How fast should a Shopify site be?  Adam’s recommendations are:

  • 2.7 seconds is the min standard
  • Track the performance of main pages e.g. homepage, product page, category pages
  • Use one tool consistently for measurements.  That way you will get a relative measure of performance
  • Remove any necessary apps as these slow down the system
  • Optimise images

Think about customer flow

Consider what messages customers will get during the purchasing process.  For example:

  • Emails What messages will they get during the order flow e.g. review emails
  • Delivery.  How can we better meet delivery promises – especially internationally
  • One site messaging – how can your direct customers to the right products

Offer multiple payment options

How many payment options should a store offer. Offering multiple payment options enables the customer to checkout in the way they like so the more the merrier (within reason).

Offering PayPal alongside card payment is recommended as online wallets give the customer a feeling of security.  This is particularly the case for international deliveries



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