The Search Engine Results Page (SERPs)

Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) are web pages displayed to users when they search online using a search engine, such as Google. The user enters their search query, and the search engine then presents them with a Search Engine Results Page (SERP). Before optimising your website, you should understand how it might be displayed in […]

Branding for your eCommerce Business

Whether you are selling your own label or branded products, you will need a business identity. While many online businesses, especially marketplace sellers, will trade under a generic name (e.g., XYZ trading), it is best to invest in developing a brand that identifies your business and helps build customer loyalty. Whilst a brand is usually […]

Why Sell on eBay

eBay is one of the biggest online marketplaces in the world, with over 300 million users. Whilst it is not the market leader it once was, it is still a major eCommerce player. In this video, we look at why your business should have a presence on eBay. Benefits of selling on eBay 187m buyers […]

Why Search Engine Optimisation is important

SEO is an vital part of any effective online marketing strategy. Organic search results are more trusted by consumers and receive a lot more clicks than ads. Quality content that ranks well for important keywords will be a gift that keeps on giving, while advertising needs constant funding to send traffic to your site. In […]

How to Accept Payments Online

Electronic payment refers to the mechanism of paying for a product online via a debit/credit card or another electronic payment service. Amazingly, some companies still do not accept payment online, preferring phone or other payment methods. Taking online payment has the following advantages: Convenience for the consumer. Consumers can enter their payment details online instead […]

What is an Amazon Repricing and how to use it? With BQool

In our second online seminar with BQool we look at repricing best practise. Repricing is the practise of dynamically changing prices to order to maximise Buy Box percentage. Sellers can alter prices manually but unless you have a very small number of product it is best to automate the process. There are a lot of […]

Vital ECommerce Website functionality

It would be too much to spec out a website here fully, however, here is an (incomplete) list of functionalities which all good eCommerce website should feature. Site Speed Site speed has a massive effect on the conversion rate, and you should aim to maximise your website performance. Website conversion rate drop by an average […]

Choosing an eCommerce Shopping Cart

Building an eCommerce enabled website requires selecting the software to manage the process of making online sales. The software is referred to as shopping cart software. Shopping Cart Software allows site visitors to select one or more items for purchase and place these in a virtual basket. When they wish to finish shopping and pay […]

Interview with Jason Russell from Magentity

Magenitity ( is a leading Magento specialist Agency. I caught up with the founder Jason Russell to talk about eCommerce and tackle one of the trickiest questions in eCommerce – Magento or Shopify? Tell me about Magentity Magento or Shopify? How is website speed best measured? Now that websites are becoming more templated, how do […]

Choosing the right Hosting

Once a domain name has been bought, the next step is finding some hosting for your site. A domain name is just an address and does not provide any storage for the interlinked files that make up a website. You need somewhere for your website application to live! There are two options: Purchase some hosting. […]