How to choose a domain name

What is a domain? Each website on the world wide web has an address known as URL or Universal Resource Locator, e.g. This is the address that is typed into a web browser to access a particular website. A URL consists of two parts. The first, http://www. determines this is a webpage fetched using […]

Do I need a website to sell online?

The growth of online marketplaces such as Amazon and eBay means that it is entirely possible to build an online business without having a website. Many brands on Amazon are known as ‘FBA brands’ as they only sell through Amazon FBA. Online marketplaces should be part of every online retailer’s marketing mix as they have […]

Benefits of an eCommerce Website

Websites are now such a ubiquitous part of everyday life that it is easy to forget how they have revolutionised commerce. However, it is worth reiterating the advantages of selling through a website. Although most businesses have a website of one sort or another, many of these websites are out of date, poorly configured or […]

eCommerce Sales Platforms

An eCommerce platform is software that manages the backend processes of an eCommerce business. These can either be a hosted all in one system like Linnworks or Veeqo, to which a company will buy an ongoing subscription to a standard set of services or a system like Shopify where functionality is added by installing third-party […]

Customer Service

Selling multi-channel will mean that customer queries will be coming from several diverse sources. A typical multi-channel business will get: Direct email from website customers Marketplace message Website chat messages Social media messages Proper management of these queries is necessary to sort problems and avoid disputes and negative feedback. Whilst it is possible to manage […]

eCommerce Backoffice Processes

With larger retailers selling hundreds or thousands of items on multiple channels, the back-office management of an eCommerce business is critical to get right. There are several complex jobs to manage effectively for a smooth-running business. Inventory Management and Product Listing Product details must be managed and published across multiple channels. This includes: Descriptions. Descriptions […]

Managing multiple couriers with Jonnie Cartmill from Sendcloud

Today I caught up with Jonnie Cartmill from Sendcloud, a shipping solution for eCommerce sellers. Sendcloud manages carrier integrations and allows you to access multiple carrier solutions from one interface, without doing your own integrations. Here are some of the things we talked about: What does send cloud do for sellers? What is the history […]

Fulfilment options for eCommerce sellers

Anything you buy will need to be stored and shipped. Before buying stock, think about the fulfilment of your products, for example: Fragility. Delicate items will get broken both in storage and on their way to the customer. Size. Large, low-value items are expensive to store and ship. Perishable items. Not only do perishable items […]

Channels: Where should I sell my products?

Once you have identified the products you want to sell and have a brand for your business, it is time to get selling! Online merchants now have a wide range of channels for selling online, and many sellers do the bulk of their sales outside their websites. It is no longer vital for a business […]

Branding: What name will you give your business?

Branding Whether you are selling your own label or branded products, you will need a business identity. While many online businesses, especially marketplace sellers, will trade under a generic name (e.g., XYZ trading), it is best to invest in developing a brand that identifies your business and helps build customer loyalty. Whilst a brand is […]