Improving Shopify conversion rates with Shaun Brandt from Oddit

Also available as a podcast. Shaun Brandt from is an expert in website conversion. Trevor talked to him about boosting the conversion rate by removing barriers to the online purchasing experience. Problem with Shopify templates As themes are easy to install on Shopify, there is a tendency to think that the themes are optimised […]

7-Figure Q4 & Black Friday Email Formula with Reinis Krumins from

In this week’s podcast, Trevor talks to Reinis Krumins from email marketing Agency about how to kick it out of the park with email sales this Q4. Also available as a podcast. 4 Phase Q4 Email plan Reinis recommends a four-phrase approach to email this Q4 Re-engaging the email list. Warming up the email […]

Grow your sales by word-of-mouth marketing with Raul Galera from Referral Candy

Listen to the podcast on In this week’s podcast, Trevor talks to Raul Galera from Referral Candy about how to set up a successful online referral scheme. What is an eCommerce referral scheme? If your service is good, word-of-mouth marketing will already be happening for your store. A referral scheme encourages this behaviour by […]

How to Create Great Website SEO Content with Katrina McKinnon from Copysmiths

In this podcast episode, Trevor talks to Katrina McKinnon from Copysmiths about the importance of quality content for generating natural search traffic. Is content still important? Creating great content is still vitally important for merchants as the most successful eCommerce stores get 60% of the traffic from organic searches. It is essential not to put […]

Using Email Marketing to Increase sales with Kelsey Johnson from AWeber

In this week’s podcast, Trevor talked to Kelsey Johnson from the email marketing aWeber about how to use email to generate sales for your eCommerce business.  Email is still important! Email is used more than any other communication platform and is still widely used, even among Millenials and Gen Zs. Most people will look at […]

Shopify Usability with Adam Pearce from Blend Commerce

Adam Pearce works for the leading Shopify usability agency Blendcommerce.  Having just launched our own Shopify storefront, in this week’s eCommerce odyssey Podcast, Trevor took the opportunity to pick Adam’s brains on maximising the conversion rate of Shopify storefronts. Some key take aways are below: Put all relevant information on product pages Given that most […]